RFP Resources
for Language Services

If you need help writing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for language services such as interpreting or translation, you’ve come to the right place! Discover helpful resources for writing a language services RFP, including the types of questions you should ask, how to structure your pricing template, and how to evaluate RFP responses.

Download our RFP Guide and other resources!

Are you new to the RFP process? Start here!

Within the expanding sections below, we cover a few fundamental topics to help you better understand RFPs, RFIs, and general language services industry information. If you’re not sure which language services you need, CyraCom can help.

What’s the difference between RFP vs. RFI?

Need to know the difference between an RFP and an RFI? Let’s break down the definitions:

A language services RFP typically prompts an interpretation or translation services provider to describe their proposed solutions (either as an ongoing service or a one-time project) to your organization’s specific challenges and goals. RFPs often include price quotes from the vendors competing for your business.

  • Specific project or service fulfillment
  • You know what you need & provide detailed info
  • Price quote included

If you’re not sure exactly which language services will help you accomplish your goals, an RFI can give you insight into the core values and services offered by potential vendors before diving into the specifics of a project. Questions in an RFI ask how vendors approach general industry challenges, and pricing usually isn’t requested.

  • General vendor information
  • Open to suggested solutions for your challenges
  • No pricing information

Which language services do you need?

If you’re new to language services, learning about industry terms and offerings may be helpful before writing your RFP. Here are a few resources to help you get started:

Language Access 101

CyraCom’s free email subscription course can help you learn about language services and develop your language access plan. We even provide a checklist to help you brainstorm ideas for writing your RFP.
Additional resources:

Examine the practices and features of remote interpretation industry standards. Learn what to look for and what to avoid when selecting a language services provider.

If you need document translation, website localization, video captions/subtitles, braille, or other translation services, make sure to check out these resources:

If your organization must comply with Section 1557 or needs to meet third-party accreditation standards, check out these helpful guides:

Need help writing your RFP?
We’ve got you covered.

Writing a language services Request for Proposal is easier with CyraCom’s resources. Check out our guides and articles for help writing questions, formatting your RFP pricing template, and more:

CyraCom’s RFP Guides for language services

Download our comprehensive guides to writing RFPs for language services. Each RFP guide includes sample questions to ask potential language services partners regarding remote interpretation services, translation and localization services, data security, account support, and more. Plus, we suggest evaluation criteria to help you choose the right partner.

Helpful RFP articles

In addition to our complete guides , these articles provide insight into the RFP process, pricing templates, and more:

What you’ll learn:

  • Tips for people with limited experience issuing an RFP for language services
  • What information to include in your RFP

What you’ll learn:

  • Tips to make your RFP easier to respond to
  • How to optimally organize your RFP

What you’ll learn:

  • Tips to create a straightforward, easy-to-complete RFP pricing template
  • Download the ideal language services RFP pricing template

What you’ll learn:

  • The top questions you should ask language services providers
  • What to look for in RFP responses

Download CyraCom’s RFP Guide & resources

Learn how to write an RFP for language services by filling out the form below: